La Cosecha is an annual conference organized by teachers, for teachers. La Cosecha 2018 provided an opportunity to share instructional best practices, as well as honor and celebrate our families,communities and those who have gone before us, our ancestors.
Spanish Language Arts Teachers and Students from Tierra Encantada Charter School demonstrated a detailed analysis of a text. The students modeled how they use Close Reading and Project GLAD® strategies to understand text and infer information.
Congratulations Teachers and Students on your conference session offering: Beauty Behind Detail presented by:
Eva de Andrés Presa I Teacher,
Paola Arévalo Sánchez I Teacher,
Aurora del Valle I Teacher,
Lindsey Martinez (7th grade), Spanish speaker,
Laylah Lovato (7th grade), English speaker,
Kaylena Padilla (7th grade), English speaker,
Alejandro Padilla (7th grade), bilingual,
Hermione Alvarez Gomez (8th grade), English speaker
La Cosecha (Tierra Encantada, pg73)